Checkered White
(Pontia protodice)
ID points
As their name suggests, this species is mostly white, with dark “checkered” markings. The females are more heavily marked with black than the males. The male has three or four dark spots (checks) on the ventral and dorsal forewing, and the hindwing is mostly white in both postures. The female forewing and hindwing are heavily marked in both postures.
Adults can be found in open areas such as parks, fields, and roadsides.
Ecology and behavior:
Larvae feed on a variety of plants in the mustard family. They are considered a minor pest, occasionally feeding on cabbage, broccoli, and horseradish. Adults feed on the nectar of a variety of flowering plants.
To learn more about checkered whites, click here.
As their name suggests, this species is mostly white, with dark “checkered” markings. The females are more heavily marked with black than the males. The male has three or four dark spots (checks) on the ventral and dorsal forewing, and the hindwing is mostly white in both postures. The female forewing and hindwing are heavily marked in both postures.
Adults can be found in open areas such as parks, fields, and roadsides.
Ecology and behavior:
Larvae feed on a variety of plants in the mustard family. They are considered a minor pest, occasionally feeding on cabbage, broccoli, and horseradish. Adults feed on the nectar of a variety of flowering plants.
To learn more about checkered whites, click here.